Health-friendly pillow: bamboo charcoal pillow - 梓 Joe

梓乔家具新闻新闻 Nowadays, the types of pillows on the market are varied, and consumers are picking up their eyes. Many friends have asked Xiaobian, is the bamboo charcoal pillow that has appeared in recent years? Bamboo charcoal pillow is good for healthy bamboo charcoal pillow. The biggest advantage is dry, breathable and strong adsorption capacity. Let's let Xiaobian come to you to learn more about bamboo charcoal pillows.


Bamboo charcoal pillow is good for healthy bamboo charcoal pillow. The biggest advantage is that it is dry, breathable and has strong adsorption capacity. Especially in summer, it can quickly transfer the sweat and heat from the head. The sweat is less, naturally it will not feel hot, and sleep will also More stable. In addition, bamboo charcoal has functions such as sterilization and deodorization, and bamboo charcoal pillows are very healthy in summer.

The bamboo charcoal pillow will feel cool and refreshing. It is not as cool as a bamboo pillow, but it is not comfortable. However, it is debatable whether it is promoted by some manufacturers to promote blood circulation and eliminate symptoms such as asthma and snoring. After all, these conclusions have not been confirmed by large-scale clinical trials. Bamboo charcoal pillows are not suitable for everyone. For example, people with allergies such as rhinitis are not suitable.

First, patients with cerebral infarction should not use bamboo pillows at night. Cerebral vascular disease is a cerebrovascular disease caused by cerebral ischemia caused by cerebral vascular occlusion. Recurrent episodes are one of the main features of cerebral infarction. In summer, the body sweats more, the blood viscosity is relatively higher, and the blood flow to the brain becomes slower. When people sleep, the blood flow becomes slower. Therefore, the probability of cerebral infarction in summer is significantly higher than that in spring and autumn. The time of the night is the most. Professor Tong Tongchao said that bamboo has a natural cool character. The patients with cerebral infarction are lying on the top, and the brain is prone to cold, which causes the neck and neck vessels to contract relatively, and the blood flow is further reduced, leading to the onset of cerebral infarction. In addition, if the air conditioning is turned on indoors, the bamboo pillow will be excessively cold. For patients with cerebral infarction, it will be worse. Therefore, patients with cerebral infarction should use the bamboo pillow, it is best to use it at room temperature or during nap.


Second, people with diabetes should not use bamboo pillows, because it is easy to rub the skin and cause infection, leading to increased blood sugar stress and aggravating the condition.

Third, people with colds and colds should not be used, otherwise it may cause headache symptoms.

Fourth, people with weak constitution and cold stomach qi deficiency will aggravate the disease and prolong the disease.

Fifth, maternal and menstrual women, but also to stay away from bamboo pillows, so as not to cause gynecological diseases.

Sixth, infants and young children with delicate skin, bamboo pillows are hard and rough, will cause damage to their skin, also need to be used with caution.

After reading the introduction of Xiaobian, I believe that you have an answer to the question of bamboo charcoal pillows. The above is the basic situation and introduction of bamboo charcoal pillows introduced by Xiaobian today. I believe that friends also have a certain understanding. I hope this article can help you , I want to know more furniture information, please pay attention to the furniture

Source: 梓乔家具

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